Mata kuliah ini adalah mata kuliah dasar untuk mengenal ‘Management Systems’. Oleh karena itu dimulai dengan gambaran besar dari ‘Information Systems in Organisations’, dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan istilah dan komponen-komponen yang terkait seperti: ‘Hardware components, Processing and memory devices, secondary storage and input/output devices, Computer System types, System Software, Application Software, Programming languages’. Pertemuan ketiga dilanjutkan dengan ‘Telecommunication and Networks, Internet, World Wide Web (WWW), Intranets and Extranets’.
Pertemuan ke-empat membahas mengenai ‘Electronic Commerce and Transaction Processing Systems’. Penekanan pada ‘Phases of a transaction, e-commerce applications, types of business models, transaction prcessing system, dan disaster recovery plan’.
Pertemuan ke-lima adalah ‘Building and Managing Information Systems’: System development and organizational change, process improvement, quality management approaches, IS problem areas, change management, complexity and risk.
Pertemuan ke-enam ‘Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems’: KM, Knowledge Management System, KM Approach, KM Integration, DSS. Dilanjutkan dengan pertemuan ke-tujuh ‘Specialized Business IS’: Artificial Intelligence, Expert systems, virtual reality, and other specialized systems seperti RFID. Peremuan ke-delapan ‘System Development I’: model of system development life cycles, outsourcing of system development, phases of system development. Pertemuan ke-sembilan ‘System Development II’: Reason for modeling, Data modeling ERM (Entity Relationship Model), Process Modelling (Event-driven process chains), computer-aided software engineering tools.
Pertemuan terakhir adalah ‘Privacy and ethical issues in IS and the internet’: computer waste and mistakes, computer crime, and privacy issues.
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
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