TextBook yang dipergunakan adalah Decision Support Sytems and Intelligent Systems, 7th edition oleh Turban, Aronson, Liang and Sharda.
Perkuliahan dimulai dengan penjelasan overview materi, system penilaian dan lecture resources. Dilanjutkan dengan introduction yaitu data management, decision making and business intelligence.
Decision making, modelling and analysis: Simon’s 4 phases of decision making (intelligence, design, choice, implementation); models terdiri dari normative dan descriptive models (a simplified representation of reality, simplifications through assumptions, represent systems or problems with various degree of abstraction, decision variables, result variables, uncontrollable variable); the modelling process (conceptualization of problems, abstraction to quantitative or qualitative forms, determining the relationship among the decision, result and uncontrollable variables).
Datawarehouse: subject oriented, integrated, time variant, non-volatile, web based, relational multidimentional, client server, real time, include metadata.
Business Analytics:
Real-time Business Intelligent (BI), automated decision support (ADS) and competitive intelligent, web intelligence, need for integration.
BI/BA projects fail: failure to recognize BI project as cross-organizational business initiatives, weak business sponsors, unwilling business representatives from functional areas, lack of skilled staff, no software release concept, no work breakdown structure, no business analysis, no appreciation of the negative impact of poor data, no understanding of the use of metadata, too much reliance on disparate methods.
Data Mining: exploration and analysis, by automatic or semi-automatic means, of large quantities of data in order to obtain insight into data and discover meaningful patterns, rules and models for strategic business decision. 3 Metode untuk mengidentifikasi pola data: Simple model (OLAP, SQL Query), Intermediate Model (Regression, decision tree), complex models (neural network). Data mining tasks: classification, clustering, association rules, interactive analysis, prediction, forecasting.
CRM: konsep new marketing: relationship oriented, share of wallet oriented, all customer not equal, marketers manage demand, relationship marketing, individual marketing, manage customer experience, focus on existing customers, dialogue oriented, customer lifetime value.
CRM refers to web-based, enterprise, partner relationship management, collaborative, supplier relationship management, dan mobile CRM. Some analytical CRM application: product/service profitability, customer profiling, customer lifetime value analysis, campaign analysis, customer buying behaviour, sales channel analysis, sales analysis, call center analysis, market segment analysis. Analytical CRM Technologies: Data warehousing, ETL(data cleansing and warehouse loading), OLAP (Report generation and ad hoc reporting), data mining (pattern discovery, customer segmentation and classification, prediction models, and scoring), text mining (emails, documented complains, business contract, service description).
SCM: meningkatkan integrasi dan kolaborasi antara internal proses dalam organisasi dengan supplier (upstream) dan customer (downstream). Penggunaan teknologi untuk sharing informasi dan teamwork untuk membangun proses yang efisien dan efektif untuk menciptakan customer satisfaction.
Intelligent Systems: major components of BI: datawarehouse (DW), business analytics (BA), business performance management (BPM), user interface (UI). Pentingnya me-manage knowledge dalam perusahaan untuk menciptakan competitive advantage dan membuat keputusan strategi. Tujuan expert system adalah mentransfer expertise dari seorang expert ke system computer dan orang lain dengan cara: knowledge acquisition (interview), knowledge representation, knowledge inferencing, dan knowledge transfer. Untuk permasalahan yang lebih tidak pasti (uncertain) dipergunakan diantaranya bayes theorem, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network dan genetic algorithm.
BPM: menerapkan closed-loop process (Strategize, Plan, Monitor, Act and Adjust). BPM methodology adalah diantaranya balanced scorecard dengan membantu menterjemahkan financial, customer, internal process, dan learning and growth menjadi a set of actionable initiatives.
Minggu, 29 November 2009
MGTS7208, Managing Information Systems (Course Semester 3)
Text book yang dipakai adalah Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizaions in the Digital Economy, 6th Edition, karya Turban, Leidner, McLean, dan Wetherbe.
Metode perkuliahan selalu dimulai dengan critical thinking terkait dengan isu IT terkini dimulai dengan permasalahan, dampak, bagaimana mengatasi, dan peran seorang CIO (Chief Information Officer) dalam menghadapinya. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan studi kasus terkait dengan chapter yang dibahas. Penjelasan konsep diakhiri dengan focus pada managerial issue.
Pembahasan perkenalan dimulai dengan IT support of organizational performance, IT Concept and Management.
IT Strategy and Planning: Porter’s competitive forces Model, Generic Strategy (cost leadership, differentiation, niche, growth, alliance, innovation, operational effectiveness, customer-orientation, time, entry-barrier, lock in customer or supplier, increase switching costs), the value chain of porter (primary dan support activities).
IT Economics: pembahasan meliputi isu outsourcing, penggunaan open source software, web-based systems, bagaimana menilai investasi IT? menggunakan metode cost-benefit analysis dengan pendekatan: value analysis, information economics, scoring methodology, benchmarks, management by maxim, real-options valuation, balanced scorecard, performance dashboard, and activity-based costing (ABC).
Acquiring IT: analisis benefit dan resiko dan strategi untuk membeli, menyewa dengan Application Service Provider (ASP) atau in-house development, pemilihan vendors, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), menilai dan membandingkan cost yaitu fixed cost dan total cost ownership (cost of acquiring, operating and controlling) dengan benefit (tangible dan intangible).
Project Management (PM): 3 faktor utama yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam PM yaitu cost, quality dan time.
Security and IT Organization: Unintentional threat (human error, environmental hazard, system failure), Intentional threat (cybercrime, hacker, cracker), protecting privacy dan intellectual property, identity theft, software attack (virus, warm), alien software (spyware, spamware, phishing), application dan network control. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan risk analysis management and mitigation. Pentingnya dilakukan IS auditing, disaster recovery planning.
Impact of IT: personal issue (job mobility, perubahan dalam supervision), virtual communities, dan societal and ethical issue.
E-commerce: Online transaction, websites, e-learning, e-tailing, e-CRM, e-loyalty, market segmentation. Pemanfaatan wireless technology dan network computing untuk meningkatkan e-commerce dan e-business.
Online Transaction Processing Systems (OLTP) manage production/operation: planning (MRP, MRP2, JIT), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), channel system, marketing management, accounting and finance systems, human resources systems.
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP): control all majors business processes with a single software architecture in a real time. It is comprised of a set of applications that automate routine back-end and front-end operation. It also increases efficiency, improves quality, productivity and profitability.
Supply Change Management (SCM): optimal inventory level, supply chain coordination and collaboration, supply chain team, performance measurement and metric, various IT-assisted solutions. Otomasi SCM bertujuan mengurangi biaya, mempercepat proses dan mengurangi error. E-commerce memegang peranan penting dalam keberhasilan SCM.
Scope of Customer Relationship Management (CRM): foundational service (website responsiveness, site effectiveness, dan order fulfilment); customer-centered service (order tracking, product configuration and customization, security/trust), value-added service (online auctions, online training and education).
Type of Inter Organizational Information System (IOS): B2B trading, B2B support systems, global systems, EFT, dan groupware/shared database. Penting pemanfaatan RFID teknologi dalam membantu proses supply chain. Disamping itu, pemanfaatan data management, data warehouse, dan business intelligent dalam proses planning dan pembuatan keputusan strategi.
Metode perkuliahan selalu dimulai dengan critical thinking terkait dengan isu IT terkini dimulai dengan permasalahan, dampak, bagaimana mengatasi, dan peran seorang CIO (Chief Information Officer) dalam menghadapinya. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan studi kasus terkait dengan chapter yang dibahas. Penjelasan konsep diakhiri dengan focus pada managerial issue.
Pembahasan perkenalan dimulai dengan IT support of organizational performance, IT Concept and Management.
IT Strategy and Planning: Porter’s competitive forces Model, Generic Strategy (cost leadership, differentiation, niche, growth, alliance, innovation, operational effectiveness, customer-orientation, time, entry-barrier, lock in customer or supplier, increase switching costs), the value chain of porter (primary dan support activities).
IT Economics: pembahasan meliputi isu outsourcing, penggunaan open source software, web-based systems, bagaimana menilai investasi IT? menggunakan metode cost-benefit analysis dengan pendekatan: value analysis, information economics, scoring methodology, benchmarks, management by maxim, real-options valuation, balanced scorecard, performance dashboard, and activity-based costing (ABC).
Acquiring IT: analisis benefit dan resiko dan strategi untuk membeli, menyewa dengan Application Service Provider (ASP) atau in-house development, pemilihan vendors, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), menilai dan membandingkan cost yaitu fixed cost dan total cost ownership (cost of acquiring, operating and controlling) dengan benefit (tangible dan intangible).
Project Management (PM): 3 faktor utama yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam PM yaitu cost, quality dan time.
Security and IT Organization: Unintentional threat (human error, environmental hazard, system failure), Intentional threat (cybercrime, hacker, cracker), protecting privacy dan intellectual property, identity theft, software attack (virus, warm), alien software (spyware, spamware, phishing), application dan network control. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan risk analysis management and mitigation. Pentingnya dilakukan IS auditing, disaster recovery planning.
Impact of IT: personal issue (job mobility, perubahan dalam supervision), virtual communities, dan societal and ethical issue.
E-commerce: Online transaction, websites, e-learning, e-tailing, e-CRM, e-loyalty, market segmentation. Pemanfaatan wireless technology dan network computing untuk meningkatkan e-commerce dan e-business.
Online Transaction Processing Systems (OLTP) manage production/operation: planning (MRP, MRP2, JIT), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), channel system, marketing management, accounting and finance systems, human resources systems.
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP): control all majors business processes with a single software architecture in a real time. It is comprised of a set of applications that automate routine back-end and front-end operation. It also increases efficiency, improves quality, productivity and profitability.
Supply Change Management (SCM): optimal inventory level, supply chain coordination and collaboration, supply chain team, performance measurement and metric, various IT-assisted solutions. Otomasi SCM bertujuan mengurangi biaya, mempercepat proses dan mengurangi error. E-commerce memegang peranan penting dalam keberhasilan SCM.
Scope of Customer Relationship Management (CRM): foundational service (website responsiveness, site effectiveness, dan order fulfilment); customer-centered service (order tracking, product configuration and customization, security/trust), value-added service (online auctions, online training and education).
Type of Inter Organizational Information System (IOS): B2B trading, B2B support systems, global systems, EFT, dan groupware/shared database. Penting pemanfaatan RFID teknologi dalam membantu proses supply chain. Disamping itu, pemanfaatan data management, data warehouse, dan business intelligent dalam proses planning dan pembuatan keputusan strategi.
MGTS7206, Managing Application Database (Course Semester 3)
TextBook yang dipergunakan adalah Database Systems, karya Connoly dan Begg, 4th Edition.
Perkuliahan dimulai dengan introduction
Kemudian, fokus pada The Relational Model yang didahului dengan penjelasan secara garis besar mengenai 3 levels of architecture dari data requirement: Conceptual level, External level (User logical level), Internal level (physical level). Dilanjutkan dengan bahasan mencakup relational terminology: relation, tuple, attribute, domain, cardinality, degree, normalized relation, Cartesian product, keys (PK and FK), relational integrity (domain constraint, range, not null), relational operation (union, minus, join), views, dan rules yang mendefinisikan bahwa DBMS adalah relational.
Satu chapter khusus membahas syntax SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) (create, alter, drop) dan Data Maniplation Laguage (DML) (select, update, insert, delete), memahami dalam membaca ERD dan membuat view untuk query yang complex.
Pembahasan semantic modelling dan contoh penerapannya dalam sebuah scenario: First, identify the set of concepts that apply to the real world environment they are trying to represent in an information system. Second, devise a set of symbolic objects to depict those real world concepts. Third, construct a set of integrity rules that describe real world constraints. Fourth, describe how the objects can change over time.
Normalization: 1NF (Normalization Form): menghindari inkonsistensi data ketika melakukan query dan update karena repeating fields and lack of atomicity. 2NF: menghilangkan partial dependencies atau dengan perkataan lain a non-key attribute is not functionally dependent on the entire primary key. 3NF: eliminate transient dependencies. BNCF (Boyce Codd Normal Form) if only if every non-trivial, functional dependency has a candidate key as its determinant.
Satu pertemuan menjelaskan decision support system (operational, tactical dan strategic decisions), data warehouse (Subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile), data cleaning dan data mining.
Membahas concurrency, commit and rollback operation, locking (shared dan exclusive), deadlock, pentingnya log untuk berhasil dan tidaknya proses commit, recovery, dan backup transaksi.
Security: physical control, hardware control, operating system security, operational considerations, policy, disaster recovery plan, database control, audit trails and log files, views, authentication, backup and recovery, cold and hot sites, data encryption, audits, personnel policies and procedures, dan PC security.
Distributed Database: local autonomy, no reliance on a central site, continuous operation, location independence, fragmentation independence, replication independence, distributed query processing, distributed transaction management, hardware/OS/Network/DBMS independence.
Penjelasan secara garis besar terkait dengan object oriented model.
Perkuliahan dimulai dengan introduction
Kemudian, fokus pada The Relational Model yang didahului dengan penjelasan secara garis besar mengenai 3 levels of architecture dari data requirement: Conceptual level, External level (User logical level), Internal level (physical level). Dilanjutkan dengan bahasan mencakup relational terminology: relation, tuple, attribute, domain, cardinality, degree, normalized relation, Cartesian product, keys (PK and FK), relational integrity (domain constraint, range, not null), relational operation (union, minus, join), views, dan rules yang mendefinisikan bahwa DBMS adalah relational.
Satu chapter khusus membahas syntax SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) (create, alter, drop) dan Data Maniplation Laguage (DML) (select, update, insert, delete), memahami dalam membaca ERD dan membuat view untuk query yang complex.
Pembahasan semantic modelling dan contoh penerapannya dalam sebuah scenario: First, identify the set of concepts that apply to the real world environment they are trying to represent in an information system. Second, devise a set of symbolic objects to depict those real world concepts. Third, construct a set of integrity rules that describe real world constraints. Fourth, describe how the objects can change over time.
Normalization: 1NF (Normalization Form): menghindari inkonsistensi data ketika melakukan query dan update karena repeating fields and lack of atomicity. 2NF: menghilangkan partial dependencies atau dengan perkataan lain a non-key attribute is not functionally dependent on the entire primary key. 3NF: eliminate transient dependencies. BNCF (Boyce Codd Normal Form) if only if every non-trivial, functional dependency has a candidate key as its determinant.
Satu pertemuan menjelaskan decision support system (operational, tactical dan strategic decisions), data warehouse (Subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile), data cleaning dan data mining.
Membahas concurrency, commit and rollback operation, locking (shared dan exclusive), deadlock, pentingnya log untuk berhasil dan tidaknya proses commit, recovery, dan backup transaksi.
Security: physical control, hardware control, operating system security, operational considerations, policy, disaster recovery plan, database control, audit trails and log files, views, authentication, backup and recovery, cold and hot sites, data encryption, audits, personnel policies and procedures, dan PC security.
Distributed Database: local autonomy, no reliance on a central site, continuous operation, location independence, fragmentation independence, replication independence, distributed query processing, distributed transaction management, hardware/OS/Network/DBMS independence.
Penjelasan secara garis besar terkait dengan object oriented model.