TextBook yang dipergunakan adalah Database Systems, karya Connoly dan Begg, 4th Edition.
Perkuliahan dimulai dengan introduction
Kemudian, fokus pada The Relational Model yang didahului dengan penjelasan secara garis besar mengenai 3 levels of architecture dari data requirement: Conceptual level, External level (User logical level), Internal level (physical level). Dilanjutkan dengan bahasan mencakup relational terminology: relation, tuple, attribute, domain, cardinality, degree, normalized relation, Cartesian product, keys (PK and FK), relational integrity (domain constraint, range, not null), relational operation (union, minus, join), views, dan rules yang mendefinisikan bahwa DBMS adalah relational.
Satu chapter khusus membahas syntax SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) (create, alter, drop) dan Data Maniplation Laguage (DML) (select, update, insert, delete), memahami dalam membaca ERD dan membuat view untuk query yang complex.
Pembahasan semantic modelling dan contoh penerapannya dalam sebuah scenario: First, identify the set of concepts that apply to the real world environment they are trying to represent in an information system. Second, devise a set of symbolic objects to depict those real world concepts. Third, construct a set of integrity rules that describe real world constraints. Fourth, describe how the objects can change over time.
Normalization: 1NF (Normalization Form): menghindari inkonsistensi data ketika melakukan query dan update karena repeating fields and lack of atomicity. 2NF: menghilangkan partial dependencies atau dengan perkataan lain a non-key attribute is not functionally dependent on the entire primary key. 3NF: eliminate transient dependencies. BNCF (Boyce Codd Normal Form) if only if every non-trivial, functional dependency has a candidate key as its determinant.
Satu pertemuan menjelaskan decision support system (operational, tactical dan strategic decisions), data warehouse (Subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile), data cleaning dan data mining.
Membahas concurrency, commit and rollback operation, locking (shared dan exclusive), deadlock, pentingnya log untuk berhasil dan tidaknya proses commit, recovery, dan backup transaksi.
Security: physical control, hardware control, operating system security, operational considerations, policy, disaster recovery plan, database control, audit trails and log files, views, authentication, backup and recovery, cold and hot sites, data encryption, audits, personnel policies and procedures, dan PC security.
Distributed Database: local autonomy, no reliance on a central site, continuous operation, location independence, fragmentation independence, replication independence, distributed query processing, distributed transaction management, hardware/OS/Network/DBMS independence.
Penjelasan secara garis besar terkait dengan object oriented model.
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