Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

INFS7210, E-commerce Fundamental (Course semester 1)

Textbook yang dipergunakan Electronic Commerce, 8th Edition: 2009, oleh Schneider. Sedangkan practical programming adalah introduction HTML, CSS dan Java Script, yang sebagian materinya diambil dari http://www.w3schools.com.

Awal kuliah meperkenalkan definisi e-commerce, perbedaannya dengan traditional commerce. Kemudian sejarah dan ‘pros and cons’ menerapkan ecommerce. Menjelaskan ‘overview’ kategori dari ecommerce meliputi B2B, B2C dan B2G. Dan issue terkait dengan ecommerce seperti: teknologi, sekuriti, payment, legal dan globalization.
Business Decision-Making dengan menggunakan SWOT analysis; Porter’s five force model; Supply chain and value chain; WCOC (Working Capital Operating Cycle); NPV (Net Present value).

Planning e-commerce project: Identifying objectives, linking objectives to business strategies, measuring benefit dan cost objectives, strategi untuk website development, project management, staffing, post implementation audit.

Technology basics: Tracking shipment, packed-switched networks, routing packets, Internet services and protocols, domain name, public and private network, Internet connection, markup language, Intelligent Agents, and cookies.

10 langkah membuat commercial website: domain name selection and registration, website creation, web host selection, accept payments, site security, site promotion, site maintenance, CRM (customer Relationship Management), site globalization, stay education.

5 requirements for secure ecommerce: confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation. Data security dengan menggunakan cryptography, public and private key, digital signature, dan certificate signature.

B2C Application: Web business revenue (web catalog, digital content, advertising supported, advertising-subscription mixed, fee-based); disintermediation and re-intermediation; 4 Ps marketing (product, price, Promotion, Place).

B2B Application: pelaku yang terlibat adalah perusahaan dan pemerintah dengan nilai transaksi yang besar. B2B sangat memperhatikan sekuriti yang lebih ketat, dan penggunaan EDI (electronic Data Interchange) yang mempunyai peran yang sangat penting untuk purchasing process, keperluan inventory, dan electronic auction.

Electronic Payment System (EPS): electronic payment cards (credit, debit, store-value card), virtual credit card, e-wallet, smart card, e-cash. 5 pelaku yang terlibat dalam e-payment: buyer, seller, issuer, regulator, Automated Clearing House (ACH).

Ecommerce berorientasi untuk pecapaian ‘globalization’ dengan akses pasar yang lebih luas, mobility, flexibility, ability to do business anytime anywhere dengan reasonable cost. Analisa CAGE (Culture, Administration, Geography, Economics) digunakan untuk mengukur ‘market barier’ di suatu negara.
Ethical dan Legal issue terkait dengan “contract enforcement, intellectual property (patent, copyright, trademark), taxation, online crime, terrorism and warfare, online gambling”.

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